How we are run

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Find out how MAGNA in Slovakia fits into the global MAGNA network

MAGNA was founded in Slovakia in 2001 and subsequently opened offices in various corners of the world as part of its global network.

The Slovak office of MAGNA is also the operational section and is in charge of organizing MAGNA humanitarian missions around the world. I have my office in Bratislava with extended workplaces in Paris and Dakar. Other sections  (Czech Republic, Austria and USA) support the organization’s medical humanitarian operations through recruitment, fundraising, communication and awareness raising.

MAGNA in Slovakia

MAGNA in Slovakia is an association consisting of an associative component and an executive component.

The association consists of all MAGNA members, who are represented by the board of directors. The task of the board of directors is to establish the main direction of MAGNA, which will be implemented by the executive. Confirms the operational project and budget and ensures that MAGNA’s activities are in line with its identity.

The executive power consists of general management, operations department, program medical department, communication, human resources, logistics, etc., which implement the main directions approved by the board of directors.

Members of the association are essentially field mission workers or who have completed missions with MAGNA. Maintaining their membership in the following years, as well as the membership of employees recruited locally in the countries where MAGNA operates, is a voluntary process on their part. The board of directors also reserves the right to accept as a member any person who requests it and whose competence can be useful for the performance of the association’s activities (journalists, etc.).

Our leadership

Executive Director

Martin Bandžák

Co-founder of the humanitarian health organization MAGNA, he is also a successful photographer and recipient of many awards. As the son of doctors, he grew up in a hospital environment and spent part of his childhood in Africa. He spends 11 months a year on MAGNA projects.

Director of Operations

Denisa Augustínová

She comes from Bratislava, where she studied social therapeutic work and psychology.

In 2001, together with Martin Banžák, she founded the humanitarian organization MAGNA.

Head of Finances & Accounting

Iva Barešová

She comes from Prague, where she studied social therapeutic work and psychology.

He has been working at MAGNA since 2015.

Operation Coordinator

Cristian Reynders

He is from Belgium and spent his professional career mainly as operational coordinator for Afghanistan and Syria.

Head of Communication

Eva Babitzova



Martin Bandžák

Co-founder of the humanitarian health organization MAGNA, he is also a successful photographer and recipient of many awards. As the son of doctors, he grew up in a hospital environment and spent part of his childhood in Africa. He spends 11 months a year on MAGNA projects.

Operational structure

Operations centre

Capital office in the mission country

Field project

Association bodies


The board of directors is the executive body of the civil association MAGNA.

Martin Bandžák
Denisa Augustínová
Iva Barešová


The Supervisory Board is the supervisory body of the civil association MAGNA.

Jozef Bárta
Juraj Vaculík
Júlia Horáková


The general assembly consists of all members of the MAGNA civic association.

How do we use the funds?
