Finances and reports

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Financial responsibility and transparency

When it comes to raising and spending funds, we apply the same principles of transparency and accountability that govern all of our work.

Each year, our audited financial statements provide an overview of MAGNA’s work. Our activity report provides details of our activities and spending in each country and reflects the main challenges we faced during the year. Find out more about where our money comes from and how your donations are used with our financial reports and our activity reports.

Financial reports

MAGNA responds to the world’s humanitarian crises with effective use of resources.

In 2022, the cost of MAGNA’s social programmes was €5,157,197 (98.1%). The organization’s donor, management and administration costs amounted to €98,281 (1.9%).

We also maintain a reserve that allows us to respond immediately to crises. The use of funds is strictly controlled and audited financial reports are publicly available.

In 2022, thanks to the support of over 100,000 individual donations from Slovakia and assistance from long-term institutional partners, our teams implemented activities of ongoing projects, opened missions in new countries, and also responded to several emergencies, especially on the African continent and in Ukraine.

Thanks to you, our teams have provided life-saving care to thousands of patients in 8 countries around the world.


Annual reports

Each year, MAGNA Slovakia publishes an annual report in which it describes in detail the humanitarian health work we have carried out – where we have worked, what challenges we have had to deal with and what differences our supporters have helped us make in the lives of people who have become vulnerable as a result of conflicts. diseases and natural resources. disasters and exclusion from health care.

Global numbers 2022

MAGNA’s worldwide revenue in 2022 was €6,705,119. Thanks to the support of private donors, we can also intervene quickly and independently in times of humanitarian disasters. In 2022, the share of private donations reached 54%. In 2022, the amount of private income for MAGNA increased compared to 2021. The higher private donation income in 2022 was related to the public response to the war in Ukraine coupled with trust in MAGNA projects, and many private donors as well as companies and foundations chose to help the victims of the war in Ukraine specifically through MAGNA projects.

In 2021, MAGNA provided medical and humanitarian assistance in 6 countries and spent €5,157,197 (97%) on running programmes. Donor communication and administration costs amounted to €154,705 (3%).

Activities in numbers for 2022

320,000 outpatient medical consultations

22,800 treated malnourished children

3,500 treated children in the HIV/AIDS program

5,200 treated victims of sexual violence

How do we use the funds?
